Charoset Ice Cream

Apple, Gluten Free, Holiday, Ice Cream, Recipes

I love ice cream. We both do, Mike and I. Any time of year.   Minus ten outside, bowl of ice cream please. We impatiently await Tastee Freez aka The Freeze reopening in spring and joy of joys, hearing the soft serve ice cream truck clattering down our block that first really warm day….ah yes. Ice […]

March 27, 2018

Irish Soda Bread Muffins

Bread, Breakfast, Fruit, Gluten Free, Holiday, Muffins, Recipes, Savory

Well. Here it is, St. Patrick’s Day week. What the… on earth….how the heck did that freakin’ happen?!  Wow.  I’m running so behind on, well, life it seems!  Sheesh. But Irish Soda Bread Muffins, ay? Yeah, I’ve never made nor have I ever even eaten soda bread before.  I know.  You’re looking at your screen […]

March 13, 2018