Cocoa Mountain Frosting

Cake, Chocolate, Dairy Free, Frosting, Gluten Free, Recipes

Growing up, birthday cakes were always a big deal in our house.  Or they were to me.  Because baking, heh.  Well ok that and eating the baking. In my stubborn world view, a birthday is not a birthday, a birthday is not complete unless there’s cake involved.  Cake.  Has to be cake.  Have to have […]

August 21, 2019

Melt-in-Your-Mouth Chocolate Frosting

Cake, Chocolate, Frosting, Gluten Free, Recipes

Becky is the frosting guru around these parts, and I LOVE the chocolate frosting she made for Breezy’s Chocolate Chocolate Birthday Cake. It’s light, it’s fluffy, and it’s not overly sweet. It’s really perfection, if you ask me. And the first time I made it—almost exactly a year ago—I decided to get fancy and pipe […]

April 28, 2019

Flawless Chocolate Cupcakes with Russian Buttercream

Cake, Chocolate, Cupcakes, Frosting, Gluten Free, Recipes

Lately these days I’m finding I have less and less and less time in a day. I mean c’mon, where the heck does it all go?!  I swear, one minute I’m groggily trying to drag my night owl rear end up for the day and the next I’m back in bed for the night wondering […]

March 6, 2019

Chocolate Cake with Chocolate Chip Mascarpone Filling and Chocolate Fudge Frosting

Cake, Chocolate, Recipes

It’s my birthday!  Again!  Ugh!   My friend Geoff (uhh, cough, just a few [several too many now]) years ago said, “Now that you’re 29, you can start subtracting every year.” At this point, that miiight be awkward. But thankfully I don’t feel my age.  It’s just a number, riiiight?!  That’s what folks say to […]

February 8, 2019

Mexican Chocolate Cake with Mascarpone Whipped Cream Frosting

Cake, Chocolate, Frosting, Recipes

Last year for my mom’s birthday, I sought out a cake recipe for her.  And of course it has to be darn freakin’ Good, she’s my mom.  Mexican Chocolate Cake with Mascarpone Whipped Cream Frosting it was! At the time, I’m not entirely positive why I opted for this particular recipe as it seemed a […]

May 23, 2018

Breezy’s Chocolate Chocolate Birthday Cake

Cake, Chocolate, Frosting, Gluten Free, Recipes

One fine evening, I was chatting with our pal Breezy and she mentioned her birthday was fast approaching.   Ahhhh, birthdays.  Right?!   When you’re eight or so, fan-tab-u-lous!! Nothing much better than a birthday and a cake or a pie and a party and woo hoo!  When you’re ahem, older, ehhh, let’s not talk […]

April 11, 2018

Last Minute Valentine’s Day Quickie Chocolate Cake

Cake, Chocolate, Dairy Free, Frosting, Holiday, Recipes, Vegan

Omg omg omg!  You forgot it was Valentine’s Day, whaddya do?!  (Totally have done that, thank you.) Or:  omg omg omg I gots no time but I need something for my sweetheart and is it too late?! What do I do?! Or:  oh crap, my baby unexpectedly did something for me and I am a […]

February 12, 2018