Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream

Ice Cream, Recipes

One of the best parts of early spring (and then all of summer) is that good ol’ ice cream truck rattlin’ down the block with its slightly grating (haha) sing-songy song that gets stuck in your head, the whirring condenser blowing like mad, the bright lights blazing like a slice of heaven has opened up, […]

June 10, 2020

Apple Pancake Bowls

Apple, Breakfast, Recipes

Baking for breakfast, yes, it’s definitely a thing, as we’re quite aware.  Now, see, I am not and have never been a morning person, much to the frustration and chagrin of pretty much every morning person I know.  Or, everyone.  I just can’t.  I have tried.  I’ve had very early morning jobs.  Early classes.  Nothing […]

May 27, 2020

Chocolate Swirled Coffee Cake Bread

Bread, Breakfast, Chocolate, Coffee Cake, Recipes, Sweet Roll

Chocolate? You want some chocolate?! Baby I gotchu some chocolate right here.  Breakfast chocolate at that.  Yeah!   Holy bah-jeebers, this thing is otherworldly. It’s a bread, or more bread than a coffee cake, more bread than cake, more bread than pastry so the original name is a bit of a misnomer.  There is yeast […]

May 13, 2020

Basic Bread

Bread, Recipes

Yeah, no, there is nothing basic about this quote unquote basic bread.  Actually, it’s utterly absurd to call it “basic.” Five-star.  Champion.  Award-winning.  First-rate.  Outstanding…I mean, I dunno how best to describe this here darn bread.  Nothing seems quite right to fully explain, give grasp, elaborate on how deliciously majestic it truly is.  I’m not […]

April 29, 2020

Hot Fudge Pudding Cake

Cake, Chocolate, Gluten Free, Puddings, Recipes

Ahhh, Hot Fudge Pudding Cake.  Man. Look, I know, this is not an earth-shattering brand new recipe by any means.  Heck, my mom made this for us for as long as I can remember and that’s a mighty long time.  You can find just as many versions of this online as you can, well, people.  […]

April 15, 2020

Chocolate Chip Crumb Coffee Cake

Breakfast, Coffee Cake, Recipes

Ya know how you get that craving for something specific, a baked good in this instance obviously, and you want it to be exactly a specific certain way but you currently don’t have a recipe for whatever it is you have in mind and you research around trying to find what it is exactly that […]

April 1, 2020

Greek Yogurt Cheesecake Tart

Cheesecakes, Recipes, Tart

I know, it’s probably pretty obvious by now that I’m going to lean towards dessert options that are, let’s say, full-on, all in, you-only-live-once.  I’m not sure why I thought to try out this recipe one day.  Likely because it just sounded delicious, and I’m all for delicious.  That, and I probably had some Greek […]

March 21, 2020

Chocolate Wafer Cookies

Chocolate, Cookies, Recipes

I know.  This seems silly.  You can run right out to the store, pop a coupla’ bucks, run home and you’ve got yourself chocolate wafer cookies.  But heh, but this is a baking blog, not a grocery store blog! And you have to understand, these cookies are killer.  Holy bazoingas are they tasty. The cookie […]

March 5, 2020

Cinnamon Bread

Bread, Breakfast, Cake, Quick Bread, Recipes

I’m going to apologize in advance for this post, my lack of brain power and any off-kilter comedic moments.  Picked up the flu.  Yeah, it’s been fun. Generally I’m quite adept at evading the flu; it helps to work from home.  Lucky for me, I’ve run across its foulness at best maybe three times in […]

February 19, 2020

Big Wheel Cake

Cake, Chocolate, Recipes

As a kid, my mom didn’t buy us loads of sugary things.  Which is fine, for sure, obviously.  (Grown up perspective…) And quite honestly, I don’t remember incessantly pestering her for all things sugar either.  Mmm, I mean, I did request but I’m sure I wasn’t a twit about it.  Nope was acceptable and I […]

February 8, 2020