Affiliate Info

The fat on affiliate links:

There are links sprinkled in these posts which are known as affiliate links and are part of an advertising program through Amazon or other affiliate sites we’ve signed up to.  The links are for products that we have personally bought and/or used and highly recommend or occasionally recommend you avoid.  A link that is an affiliate is marked with an asterisk; there’s a thank you note at the bottom of the post explaining which items are affiliate links and in the sidebar we give you the skinny.

What an affiliate link does:  if you click on the product link and buy anything within a certain time frame, that affiliate website sends us a small percent of the sale price.  You will not pay anything additional — nothing, nada, zero, nothing to worry about.

Should you ever so kindly purchase an item from one of our affiliate links, it helps us help you by keeping this yummy blog up and running, the recipes coming, and drool-worthy photos popping up on your screen.  Don’t feel swindled.  This is a good thing — we all win!

Know that we don’t collect any information nor data from those links.  You would need to contact Amazon or other affiliate sites to find out what they collect.  We care far too much more about baking than data, believe us!

We would be very very grateful should you buy through our links, thank you.